Hi, I'm Tim Tyler - and today I will be discussing how quickly
machine intelligence might "take off".
The basic idea here is that intelligent machines will someday become
able to improve their own design - and then they will "take off" -
suddenly producing a period of rapid improvement.
Such a scenario presents considerable scope for social, economic and
political disruption - since things could be changing very rapidly.
Here's Peter Voss on the topic:
[Peter Voss footage]
Vague statements
One problem with this is that development will not start from an
all-machine "seed". Rather, in practice, the "seed" is likely to be an
existing company or organisation. In which case: when do we start the
clock ticking?
For example, if Google is responsible for the first machine
intelligence that "takes off", should we start the clock ticking in
1996, when Google formed? That's 15 years of self-improvement already
- with little sign of advanced machine intelligence. If not then, then
when? A big, complicated company with many humans and machine
components is simply not something that "germinates" at a particular
point in time.
Also: when do we stop the clock ticking? "When the
singularity happens" seems like a ridiculously vague reply -
and it assumes the conclusion: that there will be some particular point
in time when machines suddenly surpass human capabilities.
More recently Peter Voss has explained one possible cause of slow
[Peter Voss footage]
Agents typically learn by performing experiments, observing the
results, and then designing new experiments. If those are real-world
experiments, then they take time.
However, for some applications, experiments can be done in a synthetic
universe - for example, if your driving problem is "playing go". For
other applications, experiments can be done in virtual worlds. Also,
in some cases, experiments can be performed at incredible
speeds - for example, if developing molecular nanotechnology.
Rapid takeoff critics
Not everyone is convinced that the rate of progress will suddenly
increase with the advent of human-level machine intelligence.
For example Ray Kurzweil argues against that idea here:
[Ray Kurzweil footage]
However, faith in a continued exponential rate of progress is
questioned by his opponents.
The arguments of J Storrs Hall
Another sceptic is J Storrs Hall - henceforth, JoSH. In a 2008 paper
entitled "Engineering Utopia", JoSH is critical of rapid takeoff
He also presents criticisms in his book, Beyond AI.
I find many of the points he raises unconvining - though I
generally agree with the spirit of his conclusions.
JoSH raises the question what proportion of resources an machine
intelligence would be able to invest in self-improvement - as opposed
to earning a living. He argues that this proportion is likely to be
small - and that therefore, progress will be relatively slow.
The argument doesn't seem terribly convincing to me - the
superintelligent agent may have considerable revenue - in which case,
a small fraction of that would still represent an enormous R&D
He also talks about the improbability of a superintelligent agent
being responsible for its own hardware development - to quote:
Another point to note is that one model for fast self-improvement is
the notion that a hyperintelligence will improve its own hardware.
This argument, too, falls to an economic analysis. If the machine
intelligence is not a hardware expert, it makes more sense for it to
do whatever it does best, perhaps software improvement, and trade for
improved hardware.
In simple terms: you’re better off buying chips from Intel than
trying to build them yourself. You may improve your chip-building
ability – but so will Intel; you’ll always be better off buying.
Now, I do expect that a superintelligent agent will start out trading
for its hardware. If it thinks it has technology which could improve
Intel's chip development, then the most obvious thing to do would be
to establish a technology-sharing relationship with Intel.
However, let us imagine that such a path was blocked by government
anti-trust regulators - forcing the superintelligence to either use
Intel's technology or develop its own. It is not hard to imagine it
getting impatient with Intel's slow rate of progress. Despite Intel's
head start, the superintelligent agent might decide to use its
intelligence to develop its own chip technology - and then overtake
JoSH presents some more arguments in his book, Beyond AI:
He says:
Any reasonable extrapolation of current practice predicts that early
human-level machine intelligences will be secretaries and truck drivers, not computer
science researchers or even programmers.
That's true - however, that might well be classified as being before the
"take-off" started - by enthusiasts. He also says:
Even when a diahuman AI computer scientist is achieved, it will
simply add one more scientist to the existing field, which is already
bending its efforts toward improving AI. That won't speed things up
Maybe - but having an adult researcher that could be cloned could
have a greater effect than a single human would.
JoSH cites the possibility of slow development:
Even we humans, with the built-in processing power of a supercomputer
at our disposal, take years to mature. Again, once mature, a human
requires about a decade to become really expert in any given field,
including AI programming.
Maybe - but machines might mature more rapidly - and once they are
mature they can be rapidly cloned. Another quote from JoSH:
More to the point, it takes the scientific community some extended
period to develop a theory, then the engineering community some more
time to put it into practice. Even if we had a complete and valid
theory of mind, which we do not, putting it into software would take
years; and the early versions would be incomplete and full of bugs.
Human developers will need years of experience with early AIs before
they get it right. Even then they will have systems that are the
equivalent of slow, inexperienced humans.
Again, true - but again that might well be classified as being before
the "take-off" started - by enthusiasts.
Diminishing returns
Others have argued that technology will exhibit diminishing returns.
Observing that many critical scientific breakthroughs - such as
evolution, relativity and quantum theory - have already been made -
and some have argued that scientific development is slowing down, that
the lowest-hanging fruit have already been picked - and that this will
slow down the overall rate of progress.
Such views mostly fail to distinguish science from technology. Even
within science, while it is true that many "fundamental" discoveries
have already been made, scientific journals are more numerous now than
ever - and are not running short of material.
We will see diminishing returns in technological development
in the future - as we push up against physical limits. However, for
the moment such limits seem to be far away - and they do not yet
significantly constrain development. For the moment, technological
development progresses as though some rats have found a large pile
of grain.
My own scepticism
I too have expressed scepticism about the prospect of a sudden
"take-off" - for example, see my essay about the intelligence
One of my arguments is as follows: there is not really any such thing
as "human-level" intelligence. Rather machine intelligence has been
gradually surpassing human intelligence for decades now, in the
context of various different problem domains. Machines can
already play better chess than humans. They are already better at
performing many refactoring tasks than humans are. They excell at
factoring large numbers - and so on. So, it is likely that human
capabilities will be overtaken gradually, a domain at a time.
What about the idea that a self-improving system will form in the
future, and spark a runaway self-development cycle?
[Steve Omohundro footage]
The idea that a self-improving system will arise at some point in the
future seems naive to me. We already have self-improving systems -
they are companies, and other organisations. For example, Google
is a self-improving system.
Machines are already heavily involved in the design of other machines.
The idea that machines will suddenly take over this task when
they become smarter than we are seems naive to me. Rather there is a
man-machine symbiosis involved the design machines - with the "man"
part gradually being replaced by machine elements.
Won't there be a sudden speed-up when humans are finally eliminated
from the loop? Probably not. By that point, automated "code wizards"
will be writing most of the code anyway - so progress will already be
pretty rapid. Also, humans will most probably want code reviews
afterwards - an enforced "controlled ascent" - to make sure that their
new toy does not get out of hand.
Vernor Vinge claims that a "rapid takeoff" would be regarded as
[Vernor Vinge footage]
Right - so humans would recognise that - and act to slow things down -
if progress showed signs of going too fast for the constructors.
Resource bonnanzas
It has been argued that the first superintelligent agents will be
able to captialise on various resource bonnanzas - resulting in a
discontinuous leap forwards.
One such resource is existing computer networks. However, the idea
that such networks will not be being exploited before machine
intelligence arrives seems strange: the world-wide mesh is a
long-predicted phenomenon, and we already have some glimpses of such
networks - in the shape of the ones that have already formed - and
which are used to factor primes, seach for extra-teresstrials, send
spam, and attack rival companies.
Another such resource is: existing experimental data - information
which we have failed to make full use of so far. Well, papers
re-analysing the data of others are constantly being written, and new
tools for finding correlations and links between papers are evolving
too. Yes a superintelligent agent will munch through this material
some day - but the munching began long ago, and seems likely to gather
pace before we have superintelligent agents.
Big insights
The possibility of a rapid takeoff is greater if machine intelligence
is a problem that can be solved with one big insight - and it is lower
if it takes many small insights to solve the problem. So far, we have
seen slow gradual progress in machine intelligence. We cannot rule out
the "one big insight hypothesis" completely - but there has been
little-or-no sign of such a thing so far.
Brain emulation enthusiasts have speculated that we will get useful
machine intelligence suddenly - when we first successfully boot up an
emulation of a scanned human brain. However, this scenario seems too
ridiculous to discuss further here.
Going fast
The argument that we are unlikely to see a sudden jump in machine
capabilities is not an argument that we will not see rapid progress.
We probably will see extremely rapid progress. The idea is an
alarming one - since rapid progress has the potential for disruptive
shifts in political and economic power.